Welcome to the homepage of the (former) national priority research program "Angiogenesis" (SPP 1069) of the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). The SPP 1069 has provided funds for 17 to 24 research groups in the field of angiogenesis research from 1999 until 2006. This was the time of exponential angiogenesis research with a tripling of the number of annual publications. German research groups from within and outside the SPP have significantly contributed to the growth of the discipline with a large number of important publications. The most important findings of the SPP 1069 have been summarized in a report which you can download here.

The conclusion of the SPP 1069 and the clinical approval of the first anti-angiogenic drugs in 2004 and 2005 does not imply an end to angiogenesis research. On the contrary. There are still plenty of key unanswered questions. Yet, research has become more specialized and more focussed. As such, two new research networks have been grown out of the SPP 1069. These are the nationwide SPP 1190 "The Tumor - Vessel Interface" (www.tumorvessel.de) and the transregional SFB 23 "Vascular Differentiation and Remodeling" of the Universities of Frankfurt, Heidelberg, and Freiburg (www.transregio23.de). The SPP 1190 focusses on the molecular and functional analysis of the multitude of bi-directional interactions between tumor cells and the cells of the vessel wall which collectively facilitate tumor progression and metastasis. In contrast to the tumor focus of the SPP 1190, work within the TR-SFB 23 centers around the analysis of the molecular mechanisms of vascular differentiation and remodeling.

The SPP 1069 had hosted the biannual Kloster Seeon Meetings "Angiogenesis" which have matured to one of the most important angiogenesis think tank meeting series. Encouraged by support and requests from the scientific community, PIs from the SPP 1069 have established the "Verein für wissenschaftliche Fachtagungen in der Biomedizin e.V." (www.vwfb.de) as a charity organization whose mission is to host future Kloster Seeon meetings. The VWFB e.V. has in the meantime hosted its first independent meeting, the "4th Int. Kloster Seeon Meeting Angiogenesis" in September 2006 which again was a great success. Future Seeon meetings have now already been scheduled for September 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 (watch www.vwfb.de).

The regular updates of relevant angiogenesis-related information (publications, meetings, etc.) hithherto posted on this webpage will in the future be integrated in the webpage www.tumorvessel.de. We therefore recommend to bookmark www.tumorvessel.de as your new homepage.
